Sunday, February 10, 2008

International Membership Challenge

Karen Teichman PDG of District 7370 (Pennsylvania) her District currently has the highest percentage of new members of any District in North America.

Today, she met and challenged Mukesh Arneja, District Governor D3010 who says he will be the highest in the world - to a membership challenge.

RI Director Kjell-Ake Akesson of Sweden will act as the judge.

The District with the highest percentage on June 30, 2008 will present a Paul Harris Fellowship to the other.


stine saves animals said...

Hi to everyone in India! This is Christine Teichman, the oldest daughter of Karen Teichman (#1 if you will). Anyway, Fred gave me this blog address and I was excited to read about the great things you all are doing. I know my Mom is a great lady and she has so much generousity in her heart and love to give. (I certainly know where I get the need to do good in the world!!!) I am glad that you all are there to help a place in need of so much. If you were un-aware, India is the fastest growing country in the world! Hopefully you all will be able to keep us all updated on your adventures! till then much love from Harrisburg (#1), Turbotville (#2), and of course Lewisburg (Dr. T) xoxox :)

DrTobgyn said...

Greetings from snowy Lewisburg, PA. Rotary District 7370 rules. We're anxiously awaiting pictures of your adventure.